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Are Free Music Downloads Considered Legal?
Terro White
Free music downloads have very quickly become popular the world over. Regardless of age, most people have heard about music downloads and have some, either on their computer or their mp3 player.
Mp3 downloads
are now replacing cd collections in many countries as people move to this new convient format for their music. Lately, however, Free Music Downloads have come under increased scrutiny by the music industry due to piracy of copyrighted music.
You may be confused as to if you can legally get free mp3 downloads with all the news about people being arrested for piracy. Fear not, as long as the Free Music Downloads are not copyrighted, it is perfectly legal to download them! It is NOT illegal to share music either if it s not copyrighted.
One example of music that is usually not copyrighted is in the case of local bands or underground bands. These bands are often trying to make a name for themselves so they will actually pass their recordings around freely to anyone willing to give them a try. Also, the bands will sometimes upload their music to sites that promote new arts, so check these out as well; you may even find new bands you never even knew about.
These bands are not going to track you down and charge you with piracy, they want you to take their music and share it because the more their music is passed around, the more popular they will become. In this case, it is a win-win situation. They get the exposure they want, and you get some new tunes.
Another example of music that may not be copyrighted is free music from well known artists. There are cases where signed bands will give out their music for free. Sometimes it s just a publicity stunt and other times it could be a political statement, either way, the consumer of free music wins in this case.
Some artists are very independent of labels and always list their music online for free, it could be that they only make music purely out of enjoyment or maybe they just feel like giving back to the world with the creations. What matters in this case is that its free tunes for you.So where would you find these free uncopyrighted songs? Check the bands website.
Even if the band isn t giving out songs for free they may have sample music downloads for you. Then you can take a listen and if you like what you are hearing, maybe you will go out and buy the whole cd, or just purchase a few select songs from an online mp3 store. Check sites that promote new bands or underground bands out, they often have a wealth of free music for the hungry listener to download.Either way you get them, free music is out there for you to find. You just have to look.
A good place to start to find
free music downloads
and mp3 downloads in general is the website: bearshare.com. They have a music lovers treasure in music, you re sure to find something you love.
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