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Trying to deal with a break up with an ex girlfriend is not easy when you just feel like placing all of your attention on her. That is a hard feeling to resist, that’s for sure. It’s easy to say that you are not going to call her, or that you will keep busy to keep your mind off of her, it’s a much different story when you try and put that in practice. Guys usually know on some level that they should not place too much attention on their ex girlfriend, but it is something that they wind up doing anyway.
I want to try and show you just how beneficial it can be to be aloof with your ex girlfriend, even if deep down inside you crave her attention and you want to get her back. For some guys, this will be somewhat easy to do. For others, it will be one of the hardest endeavors that they will get themselves into.
Why is it so important to be aloof with an ex girlfriend?
I hope this comes as no surprise, but your ex girlfriend is probably already going to think that you want her back. This is true whether she dumped you or you dumped her. So, that is one of the first things that is going to pop into her head if you call her up or try to get her to hang out with you. As long as she is feeling that way, she can easily defend any advances that you make. It’s almost second nature for her to do so.
When you are aloof with your ex girlfriend, you are throwing her off balance. She expects that you are going to try and get her back and give her a lot of attention. So, just by being aloof, you can kind of get around whatever defenses that she might have up against you. That’s one of the benefits of being aloof with an ex girlfriend.
You also get to spark her curiosity about you.
The other thing that happens when you are aloof around your ex girlfriend, is that you spark curiosity in her mind. Now, curiosity is a powerful tool for creating both interest and attraction with a woman. Most guys never do anything to make their ex girlfriend curious about them, so they always seem like old news to her. Old news gets ignored easily. It’s the fresh stuff that really intrigues people.
Your ex girlfriend is like anyone else. A part of her will want to know what’s going on in your life if you are not trying so hard to spend time with her and be around her. And that is one of the stepping stones to getting her back, because it creates interest and attraction which eventually can lead to her wanting to date you again.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/how-get-girlfriend-come-back-you-power-being-aloof-her-649857.html
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Want to know how to approach your ex girlfriend so you can set the stage for winning her back? Read This: Get Your Girlfriend Back to find out if it is a good idea to send your ex text messages. Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.Author: Chris Tyler