- Organic Skin Care Products
Submitted by: Dr Tyng Tan
One of the so called cosmetic miracles that resulted to a lot of men and women to look much younger than their years is Botox. A lot of individuals realized that Botox can certainly press the pause button on their aging process without having to resort to invasive means. But there are certain things that you have to remember if you want the healing process to run smoothly and to prevent any problems.
To make sure that you do not encounter any problems later on, it is very important that you thoroughly discuss this procedure with your surgeon. Clearly you know very well about its advantages, so to ensure that you do enjoy those, you should extensively discuss the list of side effects and possible complications and how to prevent them.
We all know that Botox injections are considered to be lunch time procedures, considering that the entire process can be over within an hour. But if you want to make sure that you do not go out looking all swollen like a puffer fish, you can request for an ice pack after the session.
Usually it is protocol that you will be given a cold compress, but in case that the clinic fails to do so, always demand for one. A cold compress not only relieves the swelling but also lessens the chances of bruising.
A pain medication is also necessary to manage the pain and swelling on the injection site. Since Botox injections can also result to headaches a few minutes or hours after administration, an analgesic will also help relieve this especially if you have to go back to work right after.
You can apply some makeup over the area to cover up any redness at the injection site, only if you have somewhere else to go afterwards. A concealer and a brush of powder can help conceal it, however you just have to make sure that you apply it lightly to prevent the substance from migrating to its neighboring areas.
Never massage the area where Botox was administered. This will cause the toxins to spread out and can end up paralyzing the muscles that were not supposed to be affected. Usually this results to problem such as ptosis of the eyelids or nerve damage.
You should also avoid lying down for at least 3-4 hours after your Botox injections because this can also cause the solution to spread to other areas. The same reason is also true on why you should avoid any strenuous activities for 24 hours after administration.
Also ask your doctor about any facial exercises that you can do and have him demonstrate these. It will help you test your facial muscles and also to improve the outcome of the injections.
If you feel nausea, itchy or severely swollen up, contact your doctor immediately. You should always report any side effects and come in for follow up check-ups to ensure that this is working properly and safely for you.
About the Author: Avail the low average anti-wrinkle injection cost in Singapore at The Hair and Laser Clinic by
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. Dr Tyng Tan, the clinic director, see to it that they use only the finest techniques and materials to ensure safety and good patient satisfaction. For more information, you can visit
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